Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekend Update

The Great Kaskey Plague has a pretty solid hold on our home these days, and between my husband and my children, someone is always coughing, blowing their nose, or fighting a fever.  We did manage one fever-free window on Saturday to enjoy the fresh coating of snow our neighborhood received the day before.
The lightly snow-covered suburbs
You can't beat the icy elegance of nature.
It felt glorious to be out in the cool, crisp winter air.  As tiny as the hill in our backyard is, I was as excited as my preschool daughters to be sliding down on our plastic snow saucers. 
A turn with Katy...
...and a turn with Bayla.
Back inside, I hunkered down to tackle some projects.  I recently received an invitation from Mary (Joyful Ploys):  she had some empty space at the back of a journal that had been making the rounds of a Round Robin over the past year, and she was kind enough to invite me to complete two spreads to fill some of the remaining pages. 
Cover of Mary's handmade journal
Detail:  I love that face!
Here are the contributions I'll be sending back to her:
My art journaling is clearly helping me deal with the ongoing presence of winter!

I also found a great approach to clearing off my craft table!  I had stacks of paper on the table for making my Valentine cards and collages.  Instead of putting them away, I cut and tore them into strips, then stitched them down to create even more heart embellishments.
Now I have an even BIGGER stack of heart embellishements to choose from for my giveaway.  (Last day to leave a comment on the giveaway post is January 31!)
So, I am experiencing the very worst (sickness!) and the very best (playing in the snow!  hunkering down for art-making!) that winter has to offer. 

Wishing you happy winter days and cozy winter nights!


iHanna said...

I ♥ the hearts, they are so pretty! I just finished reading Rubin's second book that you quote. Isn't she great?

Terrie said...

Love your stitched hearts and all your lovely art! Thaks again for the postcards...I look forward to every one.

mitz said...

..this has been fun at your blog.. and luvin your blog candy.. THANKS
mitz_zee@yahoodotcom said...

Wonderful post, Andria!!
Seeing you play in the snow, your art pages, and those "pretty" stitched collage hearts... FANTASTIC!! :]
You are very inspiring ~xx

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

You sure have allot of good ideas I like the re use of holiday cards.I will be back Laura

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

You sure have allot of good ideas I like the re use of holiday cards.I will be back Laura

hula-la said...

Oh man...what great hearts! Still having fun at the Blog Party. Hope you'll visit me back!

Aloha from Vicki

Carola Bartz said...

Andria, I love your hearts - and you just gave me an idea what to do with all the smaller Valentine paper scraps. I will pass on the stitching, though. Your art journal pages look lovely - beautiful photos in there as well!

Parabolic Muse said...

Okay, you don't know how much I love those hearts. I can't WAIT to make some. These are suitable for the whole year, and I intend to make some for our house!

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