Sunday, February 5, 2012

Letter Loving!

I am participating in Joanne Sharpe's online class entitled Letter Love 101.  She has set up a private blog for class participants, and posts a new lesson every day for the month of February.  She combines videos, blog post notes, PDFs, and even some of her own original art to inspire us.

Even before the class began, I ordered some new black markers that Joanne recommended for lettering on her blog.  I now have (what I consider to be) an impressive collection of black markers, and from our Yahoo group exchanges, I know that I am far from alone!
All black ink pens!!
Our "workbook" for class is a plain ol' black and white marbled composition books, which we have "dressed up" with duct tape and other embellishments.  For the first few days, I was less than pleased with my notebook, and even considered scrapping it and starting all over in a new one.  Today, though, I buckled down and "made it mine":
I even took a stab at "fancy lettering" for my Letter Love title, and was finally pleased with the results.
Back cover, featuring a gift of art from Joanne to keep us inspired
Inside front cover and first page
In the first lesson, we were invited to simply "play" with our markers, and create various alphabets in our notebooks.  In keeping with my "less than pleased with my work" mood those first few days, I had a slight inferiority complex over my alphabets.  After all, I am taking this e-course because I don't like my lettering/handwriting all that well! 
To show you how crippling a dose of "perfectionism" can be, I will confess that I thought about creating a "rough draft" composition notebook (to keep all my "ugly work" hidden at all costs), along with a "final copy" composition notebook (with work that I would think is "good enough" to share on my blog).


I got over myself, so you will see the good, the bad, and the ugly as I proceed through the class!
Joanne showed us how to create an inspirational sign for ourselves, which I chose to include in the notebook itself so it can go with me wherever I am doing my lettering. 
I had so much fun making it, that I made a second one!
It was fun to break out the colored markers after all of those black and white pages!

One of the perks of this class, by the way, is that I find it remarkably portable:  so far, I can take my notebook and zipper case of pens with me, and "letter away" wherever I choose!

Next, we played around with the word "art" in 20 different fonts.  I copied Joanne's interpretations of the font names, and then went back through and created interpretations of my own. 
I have to say that this exercise today really won me over completely to the class.  I could really see the possibilities for interesting lettering by playing in 20 different typefaces at the same time. 
I will continue to share updates on my progress through Joanne's class, but I highly recommend that you sign up for yourself (on her web site).  It's such an affordable class, with such broad applications, at such a "do-able" pace.  Once you purchase access, you can access it "forever". 

Love it!


Bree said...

Beautiful fonts. I love scribbling with my gel pens. :) I like the wording - "Play. Practice. Writes. Repeat." that you wrote and your letter love practice book. If I have time, I will make one like yours too. :) said...

What a good idea -- I think I just might take that class myself!

lee said...

i so love that class i am taking it to. Tonights lesson I cant wait to start, your lettering is great

teri said...

I've taken this class too, but have been delayed starting due to surgery. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, and even more so now that I've had a glimpse of your lovely work.

Cheryl said...

The lettering class sounds interesting. I like the cover you designed. I really like how you are practicing your lettering. I never thought of doing that myself. I took a class on lettering (in person) once and ended up not using it. It seemed rather boring compared to what I see you doing. Keep up the good work.

Carin Winkelman said...

Wow! That looks like a lot of fun. Enjoy your class!

Tammy said...

Wow, super pages. You are way ahead of me in this class, keep up the great work!

laurie said...

i really, really wanted to take this class but didn't feel i have the time right now. perhaps i will sign up at a later time... thanks for sharing all your gorgeous letter work!

Anne said...

I really like the shadow effect on the large block letters. Lifts them right off the page. Also all the varied ways of writing "art". You're doing great -- definitely no need for a hidden practice book!!

Jennibellie said...

Hi, just found your website - you do some lovely work. I'm glad you didn't hide your 'rough' stuff because this to me looks fantastic. I've signed up for the course, no idea when I'll get to do it though, which is why I never take them but wanted to improve my handwriting FOR-EVER so will have to fit it in. Great work, tfs :) said...

All looks great, Andria!
Thank you for letting us take a peek into your "LOVE LETTER" notebook journal. :]

Kym said...

Lovely lettering. Thanks for sharing your work. Oh wow, that sure is a wonderful pen collection. It will be interesting to see which ones you end up liking the best. Sounds like a fun class. Enjoy.

bluegiraffe (Sherry) said...

Your work is gorgeous! Isn't this the best class ever? Glad you're enjoying it too.

Alejandra Chile said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful to be part of this class. It has by far been one of my better investments into "me-time". ;)

BahamaDawn said...

beautiful work!!! i have not had a chance to start the exercises in the class yet, but i have been watching the videos and cant wait to get started!

Linda Kittmer said...

Wonderful post and beautiful work. Thanks for pointing us to your blog!

Sheri said...

Your lettering and artwork are gorgeous! Isn't this a fun class? I am learning so much. I haven't ventured too far off on my own yet, pretty much trying to emulate Joanne's work. It's SO fun!


Janet said...

I am loving the class too. Your artwork is lovely. Great fonts and I love the cover.

Charmingdesigns said...

I came over to visit you from Letter Love

VivJM said...

Your fonts look super, Andria!

sue2you said...

I am also taking the class. It is a wonderful fun play time when we get out of the "perfection" mode and just relax and enjoy the process. Thanks for sharing your pages and progress.

Penny said...

You're doing so well Andria!
From a fellow Letter Love class mate xx

Claire M said...

So fun to see what you've created so far. Hope to join you in the class soon as soon as I finish up some other commitments.

Joyfulploys said...

Hi Andria...Your letters are fabulous!!! I have problems doing the really curly fancy letters. I love that Letter Love's one of the best online classes I've ever taken. You are doing great!!!

Parabolic Muse said...

Andria! I've been away too long!
I'm steeling bits of time on my weekend to read blogs instead of making things and boy, am I glad I did. I love lettering! I love handwriting. My nephews barely know how to sign their signature because they never have to write! It's horrifying!

Your work here looks great, and I applaud you for being brave and sharing it all. When we do that it demystifies art and makes it a path the self-enrichment and open communication. This class looks SO awesome. What a great idea!

Lauren said...

Thanks so much for your review of Joanne's class. I was considering it and now based on your art and review, will definitely sign up!

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