Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Paper Show Loot & a Giveaway!

I've been cutting and pasting away, using my loot from the Allentown Paper Show to create some new postcards for my mail art partners:
As far as I'm concerned, I could glue an airmail envelope to a 4x6 inch piece of paper and it would be a perfectly gorgeous postcard, but I've tried to add some additional touches.
I have included some handcarved stamps (like the hand and footprints above).
I've also included lots of decorative tapes to try to pick up the colors in the stamps of the original envelopes.
I've also used some of the Cavallini and Company postal-themed stamps in several places.
A friend of mine just bequeathed some pretty card-making papers that she isn't using any longer, so I used those where I could, as well.
All in all, there's nothing like a new stash of paper to inspire a healthy session of cut-and-paste!


I included so many photos of the Allentown Paper Show in my last post that I didn't dare include all of the photos of the items that I purchased--too many photos for a single post!  So today I will share with you all of the loot I walked out with from my five hours at the show.

At one booth, I purchased a bag of cardboard and paper coupons for Octagon laundry soap, La Perla macaroni and Ronzoni pasta.  I was creating mail art postcards in my mind as I handed over the cash!
One booth had some pen and ink drawings with no indication of the artist.  I was taken with the following sketched portrait and had to add it to my collection:
I found most of the available cigarette cards too expensive to bother with, especially when I compared their prices to what I have seen at Briggs Auction house.  I couldn't resist a few, though, especially this gas mask (or "civilian respirator") card:
I bargained for a bag of bills of sales for a local hospital, and it satisfied my desire for some handwriting ephemera.  Most of the other examples--letters, contracts, etc--had asking prices beyond my willingness to pay, or even bargain.  
Photographs were available for such a variety of prices.  I mainly purchased from a "four for a dollar" bin, and am so happy with my selections.  I looked specifically for individuals and expressions that spoke to me.  I find myself drawn to pretty young women, some children, and groups of friends:
Postcards also came for quite a range of prices, and I tried to stick to the bins labeled 25 cents to a dollar.  I was especially drawn to those with handwritten messages, often in French. 
I wanted to specifically share this "Busy Soldier's Correspondence Card," where the soldier was able to check off the key parts of his message:  how he feels, what he's been doing, what the weather is like, and what he wants to be sent.  There were a couple of these "check off" postcards at one particular booth, but I thought the soldier's card was especially poignant:
One seller had a selection of letterpress stamps, and was willing to sell ALL of his stamps, along with the printer's drawer, for $50, but it was late in the day, I had spent a lot of money already, and I just didn't think I needed to go home with them all.  So I settled for two:
My last purchase of the day was a box of stamps and postmarked air mail envelopes.  The stamp collector had glued the stamps and envelopes to notebook paper, so I went through and detached all of them so that they could be used for collage purposes.
And now, for the giveaway!

I have put together a package of 95 goodies, mostly drawn from my paper show purchases, to send off to one lucky recipient.  If you love ephemera, and think that you might be able to use an injection of new additions to your paper stash, please comment on this blog post for a chance to win this selection.  Make sure that I know your email address in order to contact you.  I will draw a winner on Monday, May 6, 2013.  The winner will receive the following:
6 postcards
4 internationally postmarked airmail envelopes
4 foreign currency bills
57 stamps (from Japan, the United States, Great Britain, the Netherlands)
4 Octagon coupons
4 Ronzoni coupons
8 La Perla Macaroni coupons, two sizes
8 posters promoting stamp collecting
Two sample stamp collecting posters
Good luck!

EDIT:  It's 9:30 pm on Sunday night, May 5, 2013, and the giveaway is officially CLOSED!  Thanks to all who entered; the winner will be announced tomorrow, May 6, 2012!


Bree said...

Hey Andria, you made such creative and beautiful postcards. I love your art! And that's a lot of awesome stuff that you'd bought! My eyes were literally glued to my laptop screen when I saw the stamps!!! I'm a huge collector of stamps!! And of course, please include me in your giveaway. :)


Anonymous said...

OMG what a treasure chest! I could not stop looking! And I adore these darling little footprints!! Of course I cannot resist that giveaway, soooo generous!! Thanks for sharing!

froebelsternchen said...

Oh my gosh Andria.. you found treasures!
And I really would be happy to win!

please count me in!

mjk said...

our cards are great. love the "air mail" look to your mail, lol. what wonderful treasures you found. wish i could find that kind of thing where i live. would love to win the give a way. always looking for new treasures. tfs

Lelainia N. Lloyd said...

OOOO! Ephemera love. You know I can't even throw out stamps that come on my mail. I have a compulsion to cut them off & keep them. I use ephemera in the journals I make. You can see several flip through videos of them here: http://www.youtube.com/user/tatterededge

Deborah de Roz said...

Wow! I have never seen anything like this altogether! Amazing! Total paper/ephemera heaven! I particularly like the soldier's card and the postcards with handwritten French messages. I found the photos poignant too. So lovely that photos that were once so special to their family are being valued by you again. Thank you so much for sharing X

Cappuccinoandartjournal.blogspot.com said...

WOW!!! What fun -- and what a generous give-away. I'm of, bien sur! My fingers are crossed because I rarely win anything. I'd like to see what I could do with that ephemera. And I loved seeing what YOU made. Thanks for sharing.

Cappuccinoandartjournal.blogspot.com said...

PS I mean "I'm IN", not I'm of......got a bit overexcited there....

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a lovely give-away! So glad that Glue it Tuesday brought me here. I'm going to add you to my reader. I love ephemera and have similar (but different treasures). If I don't win, let me know if you'd like to do some sort of a swap.

Anne said...

You found some wonderful ephemera, but what you are able to create with it is totally amazing! LOVE the little footprints you carved. Please consider me for the giveaway -- and if I should win, would you tuck a little of your creativity gene in the envelope also??

Unknown said...

I didn't know there was such a thing as a "paper show"!!!! I would have gone broke for sure, had I known.... :) I would adore winning! vwgirl556@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just found your blog yesterday and I am amazed at the gorgeous ephemera you found. I wish I could find a show like that close to me. Count me in for a chance to win and thanks for sharing.


Tina said...

Wow! I would absolutely LOVE to win this! Now I'm off to hunt for paper and postcard shows in my area! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love your blog, it's such an inspiration!


Tina said...

Oops, I guess I should have given you my e-mail for the above comment: zoogarden36@hotmail.com

Thanks again!


Anonymous said...

Adria, wow, what an outstanding haul. I want to go shopping with YOU!

Anonymous said...

hey, I just stopped by to comment on your Glue IT Tuesday contribution but to be entered to when all that great loot--bonus!!
I love the way you put together those envelopes. Great bunch of photos.

Anonymous said...

Great postcards & Wow! Such awesome finds! Are you sure you want to do a giveaway for these?!?! ;)
Well, thanks for the opportunity.
Cheers, Jana
(GIT greetings)

Jo Murray said...

Your postcards are so beautifully done. What a wonderful lot of 'stuff' you found ...if only we had such places here. I'd kill for a sample pack of your marvellous finds.

Karen Isaacson said...

oh MY! what a wonderful generous treasure trove. I'd love to win!

storybeader said...

what a great way to go to a show, through another person! I love stamps and handwritten writing. The postcard for the busy soldier is hilarious! Thanks for offering these things - hope to win {:-Deb
ps - my address is
storybeader (at) gmail (dot) com

Deborah Weber said...

What fun to see your ephemera loot! And I totally agree airmail envies are wonderful. Nice to see your creations with them.

laurie said...

I so wish I could have gone with you to this show!!! you made some versatile choices and i can't wait to see how you use all that paper goodness. :-)

Patty said...

Hi Andria,
Oh, how lucky someone will be - hope it's me! Such creativity is flowing in my mind just looking at your photos. What a fun shopping spree for you!

Tammy said...

What a delicious collection of paper goodness! Please enter me in the drawing!

aprilmariecole.blogspot.com said...

Love it all, Andria... super awesome giveaway. :]

** keeping fingers crossed.

donna!ee said...

WOW ANDRIA...awesome ephemera treasures indeed! you are so kind to bless someone with these. ;D

Unknown said...

What an amazing amount you bought and I so look forward to seeing what you make.

I'd love to be the lucky winner as well - so many things there to spark the creative juices.

Esmee Lynne said...

Please draw me:) I would love this infusion to my stash. I moved last year and just now got caught up from unpacking and settling. I had no time to make any Flea Market/Thrift Store runs. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Esmee Lynne

Esmee Lynne said...
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Esmee Lynne said...
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Esmee Lynne said...

Please draw me:) I would love this infusion to my stash. I moved last year and just now got caught up from unpacking and settling. I had no time to make any Flea Market/Thrift Store runs to replenish. Thanks for the giveaway chance.
Esmee Lynne

Susie said...

wow, what great finds. It looks like paper heaven fell to earth....awesome is all I can say would love to win, keeping fingers crossed visiting from glue it tuesday lounge. :)

Natasha said...

Wow! Fantastic finds, I am insanely jealous of your treasure trove and a very generous giveaway.

Love old photos that tell a story and the handwritten ephemera...so magical, holding living history in your hands.

My fingers will be crossed! :)

Adriann said...

Oh boy did you score! I love the ink drawing. He's so distinguished looking. Your postcards are wonderful and I'm loving the shoe print stamp you carved. Thanks for your generous give away. Keeping my fingers crossed. ☺ Adriann

Textile Recycler said...

What an awesome assortment of goodies! Just the things I look for. I am new to mixed media and trying to build my collection of ephemera, so winning would give me a great boost. Thank you for the offering. textilerecycle@yahoo.com

Parabolic Muse said...

Hey there!
I haven't done my rolodex card yet! What the what?

I love the goodies you share with us. Never too much! You do great things with them.
Isn't it fun when you have a giveaway and you get so many comments? I think I may start a giveaway blog. HA!

Pick me!!

Parabolic Muse said...

btw, that sketch looks like Cary Grant. and I want the everett dirksen piece.

Oh, just send it all.

Beverley Baird said...

Wow - what a wonderful selection of paper goods you got! What a fantastic giveaway as well!

Rossie said...

What an amazing and satisfying haul. It is hard to believe handwritten items are so sought after. I think it is a tremendous shame handwriting skills are being lost.

Joyfulploys said...

Somehow I missed this post. Any time I know about a giveaway...I'm there. You also found some great paper loot!!! Please enter me in this giveaway...and thanks!!!

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