Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Return to Rolodex

Altering Rolodex cards was quite a craze for awhile, but seems to have slipped onto the back burner of the art communities I frequent. 
Over the weekend, I pulled out my blank cards and my envelopes of appropriately-tiny words and images, and created a few new additions to my Rolodex file. 
As I've probably mentioned before, I love collage and I love quick results, so these petite pieces of art are just my style. 
Truth be told, they are a great tool for procrastination:  Need to get ready for some fall craft shows?  ....Right after I finish this little collage here.  Need to figure out those 1001 policies to get my Etsy shop underway?  ....Sure, just let me glue a little something over here.  Need to create some appropriate packaging to present my wares to a local gift shop?  ...No problem...just let me finish one more Rolodex card and I'll get right on it! 
I get to feel like I'm doing something artful and productive, but I'm not actually doing the tasks that are calling out for my creative energies.
And just like the bulging pages of a finished art journal, there is something quite satisfying about a Rolodex file growing thick with collaged cards, especially when so many of them have come from swapping with artful friends in Blogland!
If you are interested in any individual swaps with me, be sure to check out the "Swaps" tab at the top of my blog!


As a surprise "thank you" to my readers, I am sending out some autumnal goodies to the "early responders" to my previous post on Matchbook Notebooks.  If you left a comment on that post before the publication of this current post (that's seven of you lovely ladies!), be on the lookout for something fun in your mailbox!


uncustomary said...

Eeep! So busy! Favorites: "territory of self at home" and "what story did you tell everyone?" <33

Cappuccinoandartjournal.blogspot.com said...

Very nice. I'm with you -- I love collage and small is good.

Unknown said...

Very productive method of procrastination! Mine usually involves web or channel surfacing.

laurie said...

collage is definitely an art form and you seem to have mastered it, over and over. i love the diversity and depth of your cards. and, if you are going to procrastinate, art is the best way to wander!

VivJM said...

You make procrastination look so wonderful :-)

Karenann Young said...

I should pull out my Rolodex cards! Haven't seen them in ages! A little art goes a long way!

Terrie said...

I just got home from vacation to find your great hand drawn postcard. Thanks SO much! I'm your newest subscriber so I don't miss any of your creative ideas!

scrapwordsmom said...

You are so right when you say its fun to do something yet you don't have to use your creative energies 100%. This helps me soooo much when I am in the studio:)

As always I am inspired by YOU!

So sweet of you to mail out goodies...I didn't make it here to see your matchbooks but I have already received an envelope of goods so it's all fine-lol!!!
Have a wonderful weekend:)

Joyfulploys said...

Hi Andria...crazes come and go...hang on, it will be "in" again....but no matter, do what you love, I say. Have a great weekend.

Parabolic Muse said...

I haven't responded to the matchbook notebooks, but I cannot BELIEVE how serendipitous this post is! yesterday, as I was finishing envelopes for Karen's swap, I got out my blank rolodex cards and said to myself, Self: time to send Andria some more rolodexies!!!

Love them.

Karen Isaacson said...

tiny little masterpieces.

iHanna said...

Wow, love these rolodex creations and ALL your cards are gorgous, like little stories in themselves. And I know aaaall about doing a creative thing to procrastinae the "musts".

aprilmariecole.blogspot.com said...

YES!!! So very true, Andria...
why did altered rolodex cards get pushed to the back burner of the art world?
These tiny pieces of artwork are delightful to collect.
Thank you for such a gentle reminder, now I am inspired to make a few!! ~xx

Maggie said...

I am planning to get back to my rolodex cards, too.

Anonymous said...

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