Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WOYWW: A New Addition!

I have a new addition to my workspace to share today:
{Inspiration Board}

The picture that used to hang above my crafting table gave a beautiful window effect, making me feel as though I was looking out through the trees onto a tranquil lake surrounded by mountains. But I’m loving my inspiration board even more! We moved the picture to the family room, and I am using this bulletin board (a fairly inexpensive find from Target) to display some favorite papers, as well as postcards from the two swaps I have done.
Most of the postcards are clipped with clothespins to string that I pilfered from my husband’s workbench and stapled to the top corners of the board.

Here’s the overall workspace effect:
{As with so many things, I think it looks
a lot better in person than in the photo!}

As you can see, my desk continues to overflow with piles, so much so that I have moved some of my art journaling supplies (paints, ink pads, paint brushes) to the dining room table.

My husband says that I now have a “Craft Room: East Wing” and “Craft Room: West Wing.” He’s only moderately amused!

The other night he was fixing dinner for the kids, and I had a moment to steal away to the West Wing (that is, the dining room) with a little summer cerveza to work on a journal page:
Ahh, this is the life!

P.S.:  Last week, I shared with you my latest purchase from Michael's, the revolving organizer.  On Monday, I spent some time at Borders, flipping through a magazine called "Creative Spaces," a special issue put out by Creating Keepsakes.  Eight (count 'em, EIGHT) of the crafting spaces they featured had some version of that organizer!  One woman had THREE of them!  I thought you might get as big a kick out of that as I did!

To see other Wednesday workspaces, take a look at the list of participants at Julia's Stamping Ground.  Happy snooping!


VivJM said...

Loving your inspiration board with the pegs. Wonderful!

J.A. Martin said...

Ok, I love the inspiration board too! I haven't purchased the organizer yet, but I think there will be an inpiration board in my room by the end of the week! Thanks for sharing! :-)

Elf Designs said...

I love your new inspiration board. I adore the butterflies on there x Your desk is so inspriational and looks like a fab place to work. Happy WOYWW xx

C said...

Love the bulletin board!! And that's the second time this week I've seen that organizer and loved it. Michael's here I where did I put that coupon?

Sarpreet said...

love the bulletin board, great workspace, Thank you for sharing your workspace, Happy WOYWW 105, #22 (please do check out my blog candy for charity)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

What a good idea that inspiration board is. I am a little worried that if I had one, it would be somewhere else to stuff bits of card and paper that should really be put away.

Erika said...

Great inspirational board, love your work area. Your journal page looks very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Jingle said...

Loving the new board!!!

fairyrocks said...

Love your inspiration board, so lovely right above your desk!!
Keep smiling and creating

Lisa said...

Fab inspiration! I have a string of things above my desk too, it's lovely to keep adding and moving things as the mood takes me. Thanks for sharing.

Asia King (aka Joanna K) said...

Wooow, love your inspiration board! Happy WOYWW & happy crafting! Joanna x

Janet said...

That's a great inspiration board! I wish I had the empty wall space to do one like that but I've used almost every square inch of my studio for shelves.

I also like that green paper with all the circles on it. At first I thought you were going to say you used the Corona bottle to make them!!

Andria said...

Haha, Janet...using a Corona bottle as a that's "creative re-use"!!

Amber Alvarez said...

Ooh what a fun thing! That inspiration board looks mega inspirational ;) I'm going to run and look at this organizer online!
xo and happy Wednesday!

Sarn said...

LOVE the look of your craft wings!

Hugs, Sandra

April said...

Your desk is looking busy busy busy! so is your dining room :o) Love the inspiration board. Took a peek at your previous post.. the DIY book tape, might have a go at that, my Mum picked an old book up for me to destroy for making backing papers etc so plenty of pages to have a go with!! Thanks for sharing.

JoZart Designs said...

Your inspiration board is a great idea but it could be hard to change those lovely pieces.
JoZarty x

Angela Toucan said...

fabulous inspiration board - great idea. said...

What an incredible "inspirational board"
I see my postcard!!! (heheeheee)

Anonymous said...

Loving the board Andria, great colours and textures, very restful. I have one of those rotating organizers too, got it for Christmas... would you believe it's still empty???!!!!!

Brenda 90

Darcy Marshall said...

thats a really great inspiration board, I have a cork board with photos on it that I have printed off the internet, of stuff I want to do. I also print off the original website and pin that on with the photo....I am working my way thru them, slowly, very slowly lol

sandra de said...

I love the concept of the east and west wing. DH's can be so amusing!! Actually your desk looks really cool and the art board is a great idea. I prefer the woyww creative spaces they seem normal compared to some others in magazines.

Jackie said...

Your inspiration board is just great, so much to look at :)

michelle allen said...

fun! love seeing your workspace and your new inspiration board. it looks like you get a lot done in that space!!! :)

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