Katy shared her healthy lungs with Marmar, but Marmar discovered what Mommy realized a week or so ago—at three months old, Katy is already mesmerized by the TV! While we might feel guilty about using it as a pacifier, when she gets screaming and nothing else seems to soothe her, the television looks that much more appealing. I don’t know what Marmar watched with her (she watches higher-quality programs than I do, I believe!), but I have seen that Katy likes watching Rachael Ray quite a lot in the mornings. When Rachael had Sam Waterston on as a guest recently, he made Katy giggle!
I bought Katy six pink roses (she is Kathryn Rose, after all), so here is a photo of her, ready to head off to Marmar’s house, with me displaying her roses:

Here is Michael and Marmar as we prepare to head home at the end of the evening:

Our family has a big weekend ahead: We are attending our church’s annual retreat, about two hours away from where we live. We went last year (before Katy) and had a great time; it was very helpful in getting us acquainted with the folks at our church. With Katy so fussy a lot of the time, we are just going to “play it by ear,” as we say; if she isn’t doing well, we’ll just head home early. But it’s good practice, both for us to get used to packing everything we need for her, and for her to get used to being on vacation once in awhile. Wish us luck!
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