Friday, April 6, 2012

39 and Counting

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

I've always kind of enjoyed that question.  It makes sense that it's on my mind, since today is my 39th birthday.  And I don't feel a day over 25!

I think birthdays and springtime (and birthdays IN springtime) are a great time to think about all the things we love.  When I need a dose of youth, I can draw from the positive energy of all that is good in my life and in my world.  To celebrate my birthday, I have created a Love List.  Some are small loves, some are big.  Some are serious, some are silly.  Some are life-changing, some are pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but still bring me some pleasure. 
I am happy to report that it wasn't tough to come up with 39 "loves" to celebrate my 39 years of life.  In fact, there are so many more.  But here's a starter list:

1.  the smell of steamy pavement after a summer rain
2.  driving in the car with the windows down and radio cranked
3.  dining al fresco
4.  breezy days
5.  discovering that I can jog two miles without stopping to walk
6.  the feel of my daughters' arms wrapped around my neck
7.  the inexplicably chocolate-y smell of my cat's fur
8.  being able to hop onto the computer to find a quick answer to one of my daughters' thousands of questions
9.  libraries
10.  the feeling of long grass on bare feet
11.  live music
12.  street festivals
13.  city murals
14.  dark chocolate
15.  being able to call up my mom and talk to her whenever I want
16.  laughing with my husband
17.  the smells of basil, vanilla, almond, jasmine, curry, grapefruit, and orange (but not all at once!)
18.  blue skies and sunshine
19.  organizing my papers, my spaces, and my time
20.  checking off items on my To Do lists
21.  mail art
22.  old photos
23.  vintage papers
24.  silver hoop earrings
25.  people who smile and speak to me in passing
26.  purple
27.  ribbon
28.  a fresh unused notebook
29.  coffee mugs
30.  purses
31.  comfortable shoes
32.  jeans
33.  Italian pottery
34.  fresh bread
35.  Pinot Grigio
36.  the understanding that setting goals, taking risks, and trying new things are not the exclusive property of children, teens, or 20-somethings
37.  Paris
38.  collecting seashells and pebbles on the beach
39.  good coffee

I encourage you to make your own Love List, even if it's not your birthday, and especially if you're having a day when you're pretty sure there isn't much around you that you love.  You will probably surprise yourself with what makes it onto your list, and it will definitely put you in a better frame of mind!

All of the things on my Love List are things from my life and my experience.  I'm also working on a "I'm Sure I Would Love List" of things, places, and experiences that I'm pretty sure I would love if I had the opportunity to experience them.  I guess it qualifies as a kind of "Bucket List" for the remaining years of my life!  That's a fun one to put together, too.

Wishing you a blessed and happy Easter weekend!


Last year on my 38th birthday, I posted "38 by 38":  38 lessons I had learned by my 38th birthday.  It received over 2,300 page views, thanks to Gretchen Rubin's link to it from her Happiness Project blog.  If you would like to check it out for yourself, you can click here!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday, your list is that of a happy woman , enjoy your day, I will write a list of 56 things I love this year, thankyou for sharing, such an inspiration!

donna!ee said...

happy birthday andria...we'll enjoy this snazzy day won't we, it's my birthday also! blest be :)

uncustomary said...

Happy Birthday, Andria!! What a great list. I also love the idea of a I Sure Would Love To... list. So wonderful. :-) I hope you have a fantastic celebration. Keep up the happy!

Carin Winkelman said...

Again: happy birthday. Love this love list. I sometimes do wish lists and am always surprised by how much you want can actually happen. Hope you're having a wonderful day.
PS: love the new kitty and loved reading about your second art fair.

Janet said...

Happy Birthday, Andria!! I love your love list. I hope you have a wonderful day filled with family, friends and lots of fun.

Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday, Andria. I'm 57, but usually I think I'm about 40-42. My playfulness has increased with age and most of my girlfriends are 8-9 yrs younger than me so it's easy to picture myself younger. And I don't have any lines or crows feet so I'm good.

laurie said...

oh, yay, you have me thinking of items for my own love list though i share many of yours. have a fun birthday and a year to come full of fabulous, memorable times.

iHanna said...

Happy Birthday Andria, wishing you lots of happiness on your day and the coming years!

What a great way to celebrate with a list in your journal, I will copy that and do some shameless imitation too (hehehe) when my birthday comes up later in April. :-)

pooky said...

Super idea!!! Happy belated birthday to you:) You have some wonderful things on your list...and I'm hoping for you many more:) I just started art journaling and this is going to be my next page!!! Thank you for the inspiration! Happy Easter! said...

Wishing you a very "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' :]
Such a wonderful post, Andria.
Made my day :]

Bad Jones Rising said...

this is a great idea for a post and happy birthday lady! I hope you are enjoying life and making art. It's the only thing that matters! lol xoxo

AG Ambroult said...

well happy birthday to you! Your love list is great. really. So many of your things would be on my list too, especially #1! Stopping by from Artfull sketchbook class. It's nice to "meet" you! I'm a mama of two girls, too :)

Anne Butera said...

Happy Birthday (late)! Hope your day was wonderful. I love your list! Makes me happy just to read it!! :)

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During my reading and writing adve­nture, I often blend subje­cts of belief and spiritual exploration with cre­ativity activities. Each field plays a critical role in my life­, offering distinctive viewpoints and stimulation. Be­ing a mom to twins, I dedicate my attention to raising kids and running a house­hold, steering through the fun and hurdle­s of family existence. This mix of my hobbie­s enhances my journey and kindle­s my creative spark.